OCTOBER 28, 2002




1242 N. 19TH STREET



The City Council of the City of Abilene, Texas, met in a City Council retreat at 12:00 noon on October 28, 2002, in the Tom Roberts Conference Room of Hendrick Health Systems, 1242 N. 19th Street. Mayor Grady Barr was present and presiding with Councilmen Norm Archibald, Kris Southward, Anthony Williams, Jimmy McNeil, and Councilwoman Kay Alexander.  Also present were City Manager Larry Gilley, Assistant City Manager Michael Morrison, City Attorney Sharon Hicks, City Secretary Jo Moore, Community Information Coordinator Pam Percival, and consultants Dr. Gary Halter, associate professor of political science at Texas A&M University, and Ernest Clark, former Tyler and College Station city manager.  Councilman John Hill arrived at 12:15 p.m. 


Councilman Norm Archibald gave the invocation.


Mayor Barr reviewed the expected schedule for the two-day retreat, and also noted plans are being made to give special recognition to John Lackey, former Abilene High School student now with the Anaheim Angels baseball team, this year’s  World Series winners.


Councilman Archibald showed the Council a copy of the City of Odessa’s quarterly report entitled “News from City Hall”, which he stated is distributed in their local newspaper and appears to be a good form of communication.


City Manager Larry Gilley then introduced the two consultants for the retreat; Dr. Gary Halter, associate professor of political science at Texas A&M University, and Ernest Clark, former Tyler and College Station city manager.  Mr. Gilley stated learning to work better together to continually improve our City government is a goal that has been set for the retreat.


Mr. Clark and Dr. Halter briefed the Council on their professional backgrounds. Council and staff introduced themselves and shared goals, opinions, and expectations of City government.


Mr. Clark reviewed topics concerning expectations, character and integrity definition, and the right and respect of opinions.


Dr. Halter distributed and discussed with Council a list of topics which included:

§         Effective Communications by Local Governments

§         Council Norms and Behaviors

§         Communications During Council Meetings

§         Public Perception of Meetings

§         Dysfunctional Communications

§         Successful Councils Have Good Personal Relations

§         Extra Council Meeting Communications

§         Interactions with the Public

§         Reactions to Public by Council members

§         Public’s Impressions

§         Reacting to the Public at Meetings

§         Formal Rules of Procedure

§         Communication  between Council members

§         Code of Conduct

§         Role of the Mayor

§         Public’s Expectations of You

§         A chart reflecting an effective small-group decision making process


Council recessed for a break at 2:00 p.m. and reconvened at 2:15 p.m.


Dr. Halter continued his review and distributed a questionnaire for Council to complete on Policy/Administration.  Council’s answers to the questionnaire were reviewed and discussed.


Dimensions of the governmental process and elected officials & administration’s roles and tasks were reviewed as follows:

1.                  Council roles

2.                  Manager Roles

3.                  Mayor Role

4.                  Economic Development (4A-4B)

5.                  Industrial Development

6.                  Public Relations

7.                  Neighborhood Issues

8.                  Organizational/Structure Issues

9.                  Code of Conduct


Discussion concerning the role of the Mayor and methods of communicating with and to the public included: 1) the Mayor writing an informative article on a regular basis, 2) proactive ways to communicate to the public the city’s successes, 3) the ACE report being a good measurement tool, 4) the possibility of developing a City newsletter, 5) looking at ways to improve communication to include an annual report, quarterly newsletter, and/or information through water bill stuffers, 6) cost considerations, and 7) the possibility of a citizens survey to determine how the City is doing.


Councilman Williams left the meeting at 3:55 p.m. and returned at 4:25 p.m.


Council and staff discussion continued and included issues on: 1) economic development 4A/4B and legislative oversight for reporting possible misuse; 2) an overall look at economic development; 3) competitiveness of economic development & industrial development; 4) citizens perception that the reason schools are closing is due to job losses; 5) other cities facing difficult issues but Abilene’s citizens perception that those cities are doing better than Abilene; 6) how to respond to negative comments on Abilene not being able to acquire new businesses; and 7) possibly appointing a committee to address or research Abilene’s economic development process to determine its accuracy and effectiveness and how it compares to other cities.


Mr. Clark noted in response to some of the economic development concerns that when possible the economic development staff needs to communicate why businesses were lost.


Council further discussed: 1) expanding on public relations announcements; 2) neighborhood issues; 3) code enforcement issues; 4) school closure issues and the impact to the neighborhoods; 5) erosion of the north and central sections of Abilene and what condition they will be in in five years if neighborhood issues are not addressed.


Mr. Gilley confirmed that Council does want staff to research preparing a report for an ARN insert; and clarified that Pam Percival is Abilene’s Community Information Coordinator versus Public Relations Officer.


Mayor Barr concluded by stating the neighborhood issues will be addressed during tomorrow’s meeting, and that Council will reconvene the retreat at 8:30 a.m. October 29, 2002.


The Council retreat adjourned at 5:00 p.m.




_____________________________                          ______________________________

Jo Moore                                                                     Grady Barr

City Secretary                                                              Mayor