ww2.abilenetx.com - /ordinances/2024 Ordinances/
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1/11/2024 11:43 AM 92525 001-2024 - Amending the LDC by Changing the Zoning District - 3509 Beltway S, Survey 104 WM Vaughn, Tract 3 West.pdf
1/11/2024 11:44 AM 78639 002-2024 - Amending the LDC by Changing the Zoning District - 7542x S Clack Street.pdf
1/11/2024 11:45 AM 316607 003-2024 - Amending the LDC by Approving a CUP - 2449 South Willis Street, Suite 204.pdf
1/11/2024 11:45 AM 1432464 004-2024 - Authorizing the Sale & Delivery of the 2024 Series General Obligation Bonds for Zoo and Rec Centers.pdf
1/25/2024 3:12 PM 201561 005-2024 - FAILED - Amending the LDC by Changing the Zoning - 5333 Buffalo Gap Rd.pdf
2/8/2024 3:08 PM 203515 006-2024 - Amending Ordinance 54-2023 Adopting Fees & Charges to Add the Airport Terminal Advertising Rates.pdf
2/8/2024 3:10 PM 651274 007-2024 - Amending the LDC Concerning PDD-75 & Ordinance 16-2002.pdf
2/8/2024 3:11 PM 201498 008-2024 - Amending the LDC by Changing the Zoning - 6500-6800 Block of Fairway Oaks Blvd.pdf
2/8/2024 11:48 AM 195108 009-2024 - FAILED - Amending the LDC by Changing the Zoning - 2900 Block of Old Anson Rd.pdf
2/8/2024 3:13 PM 481470 010-2024 - Amending Ch 2 of the LDC to Facilitate Infill Development & Redevelopment in Targeted Neighborhoods .pdf
2/22/2024 12:08 PM 131605 011-2024 - Approving Budget Figures for FY 23-24.pdf
2/22/2024 12:08 PM 91628 012-2024 - Amending the LDC by Changing the Zoning - 2500 Block of Bel Air Drive.pdf
3/14/2024 2:59 PM 389651 013-2024 - Amending the LDC by Approving a CUP - 9017 West Lake Road.pdf
3/14/2024 3:00 PM 96044 014-2024 - Amending the LDC by Changing the Zoning - 7500 Block of West Lake Rd.pdf
4/11/2024 11:13 AM 93606 015-2024 - Amending the LDC by Approving a CUP - 2781 Beech St.pdf
4/11/2024 11:14 AM 129692 016-2024 - Amending the LDC by Changing the Zoning - 6466 Buffalo Gap Rd.pdf
4/11/2024 11:15 AM 267745 017-2024 - Amending the LDC by Changing the Zoning - East of Butterfield Meadows Parkway.pdf
4/11/2024 11:15 AM 168172 018-2024 - Amending the LDC Concerning PD-178 & Ordinance 05-2023.pdf
4/11/2024 11:16 AM 97930 019-2024 - Amending Ch. 15 Article II, Lake Ft Phantom Hill, Section 15-18.pdf
4/11/2024 11:17 AM 241497 020-2024 - Approving the Revised Budget for FY23-24.pdf
5/9/2024 1:00 PM 97688 021-2024 - Amending Ch. 18 Motor Vehicles & Traffic Article XIII Section 18-289.1, One Way Streets.pdf
5/9/2024 1:02 PM 210189 022-2024 - Amending LDC by Approving a CUP - 526 Highland.pdf
5/9/2024 1:02 PM 99087 023-2024 - Amending LDC by Approving a CUP - 1902 Bridge Ave.pdf
5/9/2024 1:03 PM 85805 024-2024 - Abandonment of a Portion of Public ROW West from Forrest Ave & North Toward Oakland Drive.pdf
6/14/2024 8:35 AM 98288 025-2024 - Amending the LDC by Changing the Zoning - 917 & 919 S Treadaway Blvd.pdf
6/14/2024 8:36 AM 103713 026-2024 - Amending the LDC by Changing the Zoning - 2500 Block of North Treadaway Blvd.pdf
6/14/2024 8:37 AM 112649 027-2024 - Amending the LDC by Changing the Zoning - 542 E Ambler Avenue.pdf
6/14/2024 8:37 AM 172947 028-2024 - Amending the Land Development Code, Ch 3, Article 1, Division 4.pdf
7/11/2024 10:51 AM 245711 029-2024 - Amending the LDC by Changing the Zoning - 368 Centenary Drive.pdf
7/11/2024 11:24 AM 306885 030-2024 - Amending the LDC Concerning PDD-57.pdf
7/11/2024 10:53 AM 486880 031-2024 - Amending the LDC Concerning PDD-91.pdf
7/25/2024 12:58 PM 214466 032-2024 - Amending the LDC by Changing the Zoning - 7400 Block of Buffalo Gap Road.pdf
8/8/2024 11:09 AM 141892 033-2024 - Amending the LDC by Changing the Zoning - 1750 Pine St.pdf
8/8/2024 11:11 AM 136296 034-2024 - Approving Revised Budget Figures for FY 23-24.pdf
8/8/2024 11:12 AM 130834 035-2024 - Adopting Budget for FY October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2025.pdf
8/8/2024 11:13 AM 93338 036-2024 - Approving the Assessment Roll for 2024, Levying an Ad Valorem Tax for the 2024 Year.pdf
8/8/2024 11:15 AM 1281539 037-2024 - Adopting Fees & Charges for the FY Year October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2025.pdf
8/22/2024 2:45 PM 131400 038-2024 - Amending the LDC Concerning PDD-61.pdf
9/13/2024 8:34 AM 117685 039-2024 - Amending the LDC by Changing the Zoning - 940 Sayles Blvd.pdf
9/13/2024 8:35 AM 85175 040-2024 - Amending the LDC by Changing the Zoning - 1665 S 15th St.pdf
9/13/2024 8:36 AM 144383 041-2024 - Amending the LDC by Changing the Zoning - Southeast corner of the Intersection at Loop 322 & East Stamford St.pdf
9/13/2024 8:38 AM 107736 042-2024 - Amending the LDC by Changing the Zoning- 1301-1441 Compere Blvd & 1935, 1945 Simmons Avenue.pdf
9/13/2024 8:39 AM 87950 043-2024 - Amending the LDC by Changing the Zoning - 1618,1626, 1642 Ambler Ave.pdf
9/13/2024 8:40 AM 448013 044-2024 - Amending the LDC Concerning PDD -97.pdf
9/26/2024 2:05 PM 136100 045-2024 - Amending Ch. 8 Articl VI Codes & Other Regulations of the International Building Code.pdf
10/4/2024 1:30 PM 409038 046-2024 - Amending the LDC by Changing the Zoning - 8302 Military Dr.pdf
10/4/2024 1:30 PM 114759 047-2024 - Amending the LDC by Changing the Zoning - 3141 Grape St.pdf
10/4/2024 1:31 PM 152000 048-2024 - Amending the LDC by Changing the Zoning - 317 North Willis.pdf
11/7/2024 12:16 PM 156062 049-2024 - Amending the LDC by Approving a CUP - 2588 East Lake Road.pdf
11/7/2024 12:19 PM 956745 050-2024 - Abandonment of ROW for Portions of Oldham Lane Extending South from East Industrial Blvd & North from Hardison Lane.pdf
11/7/2024 12:20 PM 210971 051-2024 - Amending the LDC by Changing the Zoning - 633 & 641 Pecan St.pdf
11/7/2024 12:20 PM 90124 052-2024 - Amending the LDC by Changing the Zoning - 602 & 610 N 6th St.pdf
11/7/2024 12:22 PM 242875 053-2024 - Amending the LDC by Chaning the Zoning - 898-991 Minda St.pdf
11/7/2024 12:22 PM 87697 054-2024 - Temporarily Suspending the Fluoridation of Water Supplies Within the City of Abilene's Distribution System.pdf
11/21/2024 3:33 PM 1475186 055-2024 - Combination Tax & Limited Surplus Revenue Certificates of Obligation for Airport and Public Safety Projects.pdf
11/21/2024 3:35 PM 90116 056-2024 - Amending Ch. 18 Motor Vehicles & Traffic, Schedules, One Way Streets Regarding S 13th between Willis St & Sunset Dr.pdf
11/21/2024 3:37 PM 686353 057-2024 - Annex -7.8 Acre Tract Out Of the A. Greenwall Survey N. 100, A-86, Taylor County, Out Of a 24.576 Acre Tract Conveyed to the Wylie ISD.pdf
11/21/2024 4:09 PM 662549 058-2024 - Annex - 1.777 Acre Tract Out Of William E. Vaughan Section 104, A-418, Taylor County, Out Of a 21.13 Acre Tract.pdf
11/21/2024 4:12 PM 1488773 059-2024 - Annex - Parts Of a 2220.03 Acre Parcel Of Land, For a Total Of 1802.91 Acres, Located in Jones & Shackelford Counties, known by as Hamby A Tract .pdf
11/21/2024 4:14 PM 539852 060-2024 - Annex - 5.9 ACRES OUT OF A PORTION OF LOT 1, BLOCK A, LANCIUM SUBDIVISION, TAYLOR COUNTY, OUT OF A 25.01 ACRE TRACT.pdf
12/5/2024 3:33 PM 1186562 061-2024 - Amending Ch. 2 of the LDC Repealing Airport Zoning to Implement Land Development Recommendations of the Joint Land Use Study.pdf
12/5/2024 3:35 PM 114566 062-2024 - Amending the LDC by Changing the Zoning - 1350 Grape St.pdf
12/5/2024 3:36 PM 102217 063-2024 - Amending the LDC by Changing the Zoning - 1234, 1232, 1226, & 1218 N Treadaway Blvd.pdf
12/5/2024 3:36 PM 99240 064-2024 - Amending the LDC by Changing the Zoning - 617 FM 2404.pdf
12/5/2024 3:37 PM 115239 Ordinance List 2024.xlsx