ww2.abilenetx.com - /Resolutions/Resolutions 2024/
[To Parent Directory]
1/11/2024 11:36 AM 73830 001-2024 - Appointing Members to Various Boards and Commissions.pdf
1/11/2024 11:36 AM 52241 002-2024 - Approving Additional Expenditures & Final Payment to RailPros Field Services for Utility Observation.pdf
1/11/2024 11:37 AM 49646 003-2024 - Professional Services Contract with EhT for the 2024 Hamby Wastewater Treatment Plant TPDES Permit.pdf
1/11/2024 11:38 AM 39193 004-2024 - Professional Services Contract with Jacob & Martin for Polaris Drive Sewer Line Extension.pdf
1/11/2024 11:38 AM 65234 005-2024 - Appointing Dr. Gary Holland as Health Authority and Medical Director.pdf
1/11/2024 11:38 AM 39547 006-2024 - Agreement with Daco Fire Equipment for Purchase of Lion Structural Firefighting Protective Gear.pdf
1/11/2024 11:39 AM 38244 007-2024 - Purchase of 1 One-ton Pickup Truck for Fire Department.pdf
1/11/2024 11:39 AM 37117 008-2024 - Appointment of Craig Jordan as Interim Chief of Police.pdf
1/11/2024 11:40 AM 32394 009-2024 - Appointment of Ron Seratte as Chief of Police.pdf
1/11/2024 11:40 AM 42364 010-2024 - Agreement with Visionality for Audio-Visual Display System for EOC.pdf
1/25/2024 3:13 PM 53293 011-2024 - Appointing Members to Various Boards and Commissions.pdf
1/25/2024 3:14 PM 39186 012-2024 - Changing the Name of the Citizens Advisory Board for People with Disabilities.pdf
1/25/2024 3:15 PM 36914 013-2024 - Awarding Bid to Otto Environmental Systems North America for the Purchase of Solid Waste 95 - Gallon Refuse Constainers.pdf
1/25/2024 3:16 PM 37345 014-2024 - Awarding Bid to Snyder Industries of Lincoln Nebraska for the Purchase of Solid Waste 300- Gallon Refuse Containers.pdf
1/25/2024 3:17 PM 39631 015-2024 - Authorizing an Agreement with Kimley Horn & Associates for Signal System Plans at S 14 from Clack to Treadaway Blvd.pdf
1/25/2024 3:18 PM 37414 016-2024 - Approving Change Order #4 to Defense Economic Adjustment Assistance Grant 5G Fiber Project on Dyess AFB.pdf
1/25/2024 3:19 PM 34191 017-2024 - Authorizing an On-Airport Rental Concession Agreement with Brevard Capital Group.pdf
1/25/2024 4:25 PM 70596 018-2024 - NOT CONSIDERED - Authorizing an On-Airport Car Rental Concession Agreement with Avis Budget Group.pdf
1/25/2024 3:20 PM 37407 019-2024 - Authorizing an On-Airport Car Rental Concession Agreement with EAN Holdings DBA Enterprise Rent-A-Car.pdf
1/25/2024 3:21 PM 31169 020-2024 - Approving the Amended By-Laws of the Airport Development Board.pdf
2/8/2024 12:25 PM 62626 021-2024 - Appointing Memebers to Various Boards and Commissions.pdf
2/8/2024 12:26 PM 384707 022-2024 - Ordering a General Election to be Held on May 4, 2024 for Electing Place 1 and Place 2.pdf
2/8/2024 12:27 PM 65967 023-2024 -Authorizing a Joint Election Agreement & Contract for Election Svs with Taylor County for May 4, 2024.pdf
2/8/2024 12:28 PM 72280 024-2024 - Authorizing a Water Supply Agreement with Palo Pinto County Municipal Water District No. 1.pdf
2/8/2024 12:29 PM 53394 025-2024 - Authorizing a Temporary Resale Amendment to System Water Availability Agreement with Brazos River Authority.pdf
2/8/2024 3:01 PM 35928 026-2024 - Award a Professional Svs Agreement to Freese and Nichols to Develop a GIS 5-Year Strategic Plan.pdf
2/8/2024 3:06 PM 33307 027-2024 - Approving a Professional Svs Agreement with Resource Data for GIS Support Svs.pdf
2/8/2024 3:02 PM 37408 028-2024 - Authorizing an On-Airport Car Rental Concession Agreement with Avis Budget Car Rental.pdf
2/8/2024 3:03 PM 34727 029-2024 - Authorizing a Contract with Jacob & Martin for the Design of a Pickleball Complex at Oscar Rose Park.pdf
2/8/2024 3:04 PM 40136 030-2024 - Approving Advanced Funding Agreement with TxDOT for Traffic Signal Upgrades to S 1st and Grape St.pdf
2/8/2024 3:05 PM 30675 031-2024 - Approving Settlement Regarding Sharra Sampson V. City of Abilene.pdf
2/22/2024 11:51 AM 50636 032-2024 - Appointing Members to Various Boards and Commissions.pdf
2/22/2024 11:51 AM 92497 033-2024 - Approving the Amended By-Laws of the Animal Services Advisory Board.pdf
2/22/2024 11:52 AM 35010 034-2024 - Authorizing a Contract with Sodexo Operating for Food & Beverage Vending in Designated City Facilities.pdf
2/22/2024 12:05 PM 108531 035-2024 - NOT CONSIDERED - Authorizing a Lease of Vehicles from Capps Rent A Car.pdf
2/27/2024 9:29 AM 35360 036-2024 - Approving a Purchase of Four 2024 Ford Escape Crossover Sports Utility Vehicles from Arrow Ford.pdf
2/22/2024 11:54 AM 32178 037-2024 - Approving a Purchase of Three Compact Sports Utility Vehicles from Arrow Ford.pdf
2/22/2024 11:55 AM 35445 038-2024 - Approving a Purchase of Two 2024 SS125 DC Crack Sealing Machines fro Crafco.pdf
2/22/2024 11:56 AM 33652 039-2024 -Approving a Purchase of Three Complete Animal Control Unit Pickup Trucks from Lawrence Hall Chevrolet.pdf
2/22/2024 11:57 AM 34825 040-2024 - Approving a Food & Supply Purchase for Rose Senior Programming with Ben E Keith.pdf
2/22/2024 11:58 AM 41022 041-2024 -Approving to Acquire Heimdal Software & Services from SHI Government Solutions.pdf
2/22/2024 11:59 AM 43513 042-2024 - Approving a Professional Services Contract with Chanler Bull for Software Support Services.pdf
2/22/2024 12:00 PM 39388 043-2024 - Approval to Amend Year 2 of the Microsoft Enterprise License Agreement Through SHI Government Solutions.pdf
2/22/2024 12:01 PM 41009 044-2024 - Awarding Bid to Willis Electric for the S. 27th St. Traffic Signal Improvements from Willis to Sayles Blvd.pdf
2/22/2024 12:02 PM 42957 045-2024 - Awarding Bid to Raydon Inc for the Street Resurfacing Project Work Zon S5.pdf
2/22/2024 12:02 PM 44013 046-2024 -Authorizing a Contract with Steele Fire Apparatus for the Purchase of a Custom-Build Brush Wildland Firefighting Vehicle.pdf
3/14/2024 2:37 PM 46608 047-2024 - Appointing Memebers to Various Boards and Commissions.pdf
3/14/2024 2:38 PM 117355 048-2024 - Cancelling the May 4,2024 General Election for Places 1 and 2.pdf
3/14/2024 2:39 PM 39362 049-2024 - Purchase of One 2024 John Deere 5067E Cab Utility Tractor from United AG & Turf.pdf
3/14/2024 10:55 AM 91577 050-2024 - NOT CONSIDERED - Approving a Purchase of Four 2024 Police package Chevrolet Silverados from Reliable Chevrolet.pdf
3/14/2024 2:40 PM 42721 051-2024 - Authorizing a Contract with King Consultants Environmental for Demolition Specifications at Cesar Chavez & G.V Daniels Recreation Centers.pdf
3/14/2024 2:41 PM 44248 052-2024 - Authorizing a Contract with Parkhill for Design & Developmet of Two Recreation Centers.pdf
3/14/2024 2:42 PM 33393 053-2024 - Approving a Contract with Extreme Exteriors for Pool Repairs at Adventure Cove.pdf
3/14/2024 2:44 PM 51454 054-2024 - Authorizing a Contract with EHT for the PK Raw Water Roughing Facility RO Pipeline Construction Phase 2.pdf
3/14/2024 2:45 PM 46214 055-2024 - Authorizing a Contract with Jacob & Martin for the Elevated Storage Tank Improvements.pdf
3/14/2024 2:47 PM 1153147 056-2024 - Approving the Strategic Plan for the Abilene Public Library.pdf
3/14/2024 2:48 PM 700507 057-2024 - Approving a Chapter 380 Agreement with Chowning Realty - 5337 Encino Rd.pdf
3/14/2024 2:49 PM 406521 058-2024 - Approving a Chapter 380 Agreement with Mayhem Soutions - 934 Graham St.pdf
3/14/2024 2:56 PM 404836 059-2024 - Approving a Chapter 380 Agreement with Mayhem Solutions - 1406 Anson Ave.pdf
3/14/2024 2:57 PM 102336 060-2024 - Suspending the Effective Date of AEP TX Requested Rate Change.pdf
3/14/2024 2:58 PM 45611 061-2024 - Approve the Procurement of the Telephone System Upgrade & Provide Three Year's of Support Services.pdf
3/28/2024 1:07 PM 35947 062-2024 - Authorizing a Lease of Vehicles from Capps Renta A Car.pdf
3/28/2024 1:08 PM 36520 063-2024 - Authorizing a Car Rental Service Facility Site B Lease with Brevard Capital Group.pdf
3/28/2024 1:09 PM 36239 064-2024 - Authorizing a Car Rental Service Facility Site A Lease with EAN Holdings, LLC.pdf
3/28/2024 1:09 PM 40460 065-2024 - Allowing a Temporary Use of Designated Areas at the Airport for Dyess Big Country Airfest May 3 - May 6, 2024.pdf
3/28/2024 1:11 PM 38004 066-2024 - Approval to Purchase Four 2024 Police Package Chevrolet Silverados from Reliable Chevrolet.pdf
3/28/2024 1:12 PM 40944 067-2024 - Authorizing an Advance Funding Agreement with DPS for a TASA Project.pdf
3/28/2024 1:13 PM 43415 068-2024 - Awarding a Bid to Bontke Brothers Construction for the Street Resurfacing Project Work Zone S23.pdf
3/28/2024 1:14 PM 36110 069-2024 - Awarding the Material Purchase of plastic Roadway Barriers to all in Safety Corps.pdf
3/28/2024 1:16 PM 44069 070-2024 - Awarding a Bid to Willis Electric CO for the Antilley & Memorial Traffic Signal Project.pdf
3/28/2024 1:17 PM 42315 071-2024 - Authorizing a Contract with Steele Fire Apparatus, LLC for the Purchase of One Response Vehicle.pdf
3/28/2024 1:18 PM 43792 072-2024 - Approval to Acquire Network Engineering Services from Weaver Technologies, LLC.pdf
3/28/2024 1:19 PM 38598 073-2024 - Authorizing the Guaranteed Maximum Price for the Cypress Street Streetscape Improvements Agreement with Teinert.pdf
4/11/2024 10:50 AM 51115 074-2024 - Appointing Memebers to Various Boards and Commissions.pdf
4/11/2024 10:51 AM 35169 075-2024 - Accepting the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the FY Ending September 30, 2023.pdf
4/11/2024 10:52 AM 35964 076-2024 - Approving the Expenditure of General Fund FY 23 Fund Balance in Excess of the Three-Month Reserve Requirement.pdf
4/11/2024 10:54 AM 536978 077-2024 - Approving the Investment Policy.pdf
4/11/2024 11:11 AM 719023 078-2024 - Approving a Chapter 380 Agreement with Ellis Island Holdings - 325 Poplar St.pdf
4/11/2024 10:56 AM 627192 079-2024 - Approving a Chapter 380 Agreement with Abilene Custom Homes - 2541 Bel Air Dr.pdf
4/11/2024 10:57 AM 635220 080-2024 - Approving a Chapter 380 Agreement with Abilene Custom Homes- 2545 Bel Air Dr.pdf
4/11/2024 10:58 AM 636583 081-2024 - Approving a Chapter 380 Agreement with Abilene Custom Homes - 2547 Bel Air Dr.pdf
4/11/2024 10:59 AM 647428 082-2024 - Approving a Chapter 380 Agreement with Abilene Custom Homes - 2551 Bel Air Dr.pdf
4/11/2024 10:59 AM 41976 083-2024 - Awarding Bid to Yokogawa Fluid Imaging Technologies, Inc for the Fluid Imaging System.pdf
4/11/2024 10:59 AM 35911 084-2024 - Approving a Purchase of Two 2024 Police Package Chevrolet Silverados.pdf
4/11/2024 11:00 AM 45488 085-2024 - Approving to Acquire Software and Services from Shi International Corp.pdf
4/11/2024 11:01 AM 40592 086-2024 - Authorizing the Purchase of library Materials from Midwest Tape for Hoopla.pdf
4/11/2024 11:01 AM 33046 087-2024 - Authorizing the Agreement Between the Abilene Public Library and Overdrive.pdf
4/11/2024 11:02 AM 39448 088-2024 - Authorizing the Purchase of library Materials from Baker & Taylor.pdf
4/11/2024 11:03 AM 35087 089-2024 - Authorizing the Continuation of the Agreement with The Abilene Library Consortium.pdf
4/25/2024 1:03 PM 41217 090-2024 - Authorizing the Donation of land to the Veteran's Land Board for Expanision of the Veteran's Cemetery.pdf
4/25/2024 1:04 PM 33040 091-2024 - Approving an Airport Rates & Charges Update & On-Call Land Valuation Task Order with Kutchins & Groh.pdf
4/25/2024 1:05 PM 47464 092-2024 - Approving a Contract with Jacob & Martin for the Ivie Booster Pump Station Electrical & Mechanical Improvements.pdf
4/25/2024 1:06 PM 46073 093-2024 - Approving the Infrastructure Rehab USA for the Rehabilitation of Seven Sewer Manholes.pdf
4/25/2024 10:59 AM 108646 094-2024 - NOT CONSIDERED - Approving the 2024 Water Conservation Plan Update.pdf
4/25/2024 1:07 PM 48617 095-2024 - Acquiring Services fro FiberTex for IT Services.pdf
4/25/2024 1:08 PM 41916 096-2024 - Awarding Bid to Bontke Brothers Construction for the Pebble Beach Storm Pipe Repair.pdf
4/25/2024 1:09 PM 38662 097-2024 - Authorizing the Extended Term Street Use License with Oneok West Texas NGL Pipeline.pdf
4/25/2024 1:11 PM 46403 098-2024 - Authorizing a Professional Svs Contract withHuitt-Zollars, Inc for the metropolitan Transportation plan FY 25-50.pdf
4/25/2024 1:11 PM 51478 099-2024 - Supporting the Submission of an Application for Affordable Housing Funding For Elsie Manor.pdf
4/25/2024 1:13 PM 47043 100-2024 - Acquiring Hardware, Software & Services from Dell Technologies.pdf
4/25/2024 1:18 PM 1141415 101-2024 - Amend Resolution 192-2023 for the Addition of Cleark Fork Bank as an Approved Lender for the Program.pdf
4/25/2024 1:15 PM 44608 102-2024 - Authorizing a Reimbursement Agreement with Energy Transfer.pdf
4/25/2024 1:15 PM 45631 103-2024- Authorizing a Professional Svs Contract with WTX-OCH for Annual Medical Physicals for Fire Employees.pdf
4/25/2024 1:16 PM 38596 104-2024 - Authorizing an Agreement with DACO Fire Equiptment for the Purchase of LION Structural Firefighting Gear.pdf
5/9/2024 1:24 PM 49336 105-2024 - Appointing Members to Various Boards and Commissions.pdf
5/9/2024 1:25 PM 31934 106-2024 - Authorizing a Lease Agreement with D&M Leasing Commercial.pdf
5/9/2024 1:26 PM 38443 107-2024 - Authirizing a Lease Under the Master Lease Agreement with D&M Leasing for Three Chevrolet Tahoe PPVs.pdf
5/9/2024 1:27 PM 338846 108-2024 - Approving Amendment Five to the Ground Lease wit Abilene Aero at Abilene Regional Airport.pdf
5/9/2024 1:28 PM 38597 109-2024 - Authorizing a Contract for Texas Courts & Windscreens.pdf
5/9/2024 1:30 PM 112164 110-2024 - Amending Section 3.1.3 & Section 3.4 in the Governing Principles, Rules of Procedures & Council Policies.pdf
5/9/2024 1:31 PM 38639 111-2024 - Granting City Manager & City Attorney Access to Civil Service Personnel Files of the Police & Fire Dept.pdf
5/9/2024 1:37 PM 7280426 112-2024 - Approving the 2024 Water Conservation plan Update & Affirmating the Drought Contingency Plan.pdf
5/9/2024 1:38 PM 438631 113-2024 - Approving a Chapter 380 Agreement with Chowning Realty - 1438 N. 6th St.pdf
5/9/2024 1:37 PM 399860 114-2024 - Approving a Chapter 380 Agreement with Salazar Custom Home - 766 Jeanette St.pdf
5/9/2024 1:32 PM 44467 115-2024 - Acquiring Services from Sigma Survellance Inc for IT.pdf
5/9/2024 1:33 PM 36578 116-2024 - Awarding Bid to Raydon Inc for the Piping Rock Alley Rehabilitation Project.pdf
5/9/2024 1:34 PM 33543 117-2024 - Authorizing an Extended Term Street Use License with Don & Cindy Terhune.pdf
5/9/2024 1:35 PM 45743 118-2024 - Authorizing a Professional Service pre-Development Agreement with Garfield Public-Private.pdf
5/23/2024 10:57 AM 53835 120-2024 - Appointing Members to Various Boards and Commissions.pdf
5/23/2024 10:57 AM 43215 121-2024 - Awarding Bid to Vector Controls for the Transmission Line Large Valve Equipment.pdf
5/23/2024 10:58 AM 36874 122-2024 - Authorizing the Extended Term Street Use License with Sojourner Drilling Corporation.pdf
5/30/2024 10:38 AM 416971 123-2024 - Approving a Chapter 380 Agreement with West Texas Custom Builders - 1417 Locust St.pdf
5/30/2024 10:38 AM 408355 124-2024 - Approving a Chapter 380 Agreement with West Texas Custom Builders - 1425 Locust St.pdf
5/23/2024 11:13 AM 215995 125-2024 - Authorizing a Commercial Lease Agreement with Chick-Fil-A - 4300 Southwest Drive.pdf
6/13/2024 4:19 PM 51298 126-2024 - Appointing Members to Various Boards and Commissions.pdf
6/13/2024 4:20 PM 44462 127-2024 - Acquiring the Annual Service of Google Workspace for Boards and Commission Through SADA.pdf
6/13/2024 4:22 PM 46308 128-2024 - Authorizing the Donation of 115.35 Acres of Land to the State of Texas for the Expansion of the Veteran's Cemetery.pdf
6/13/2024 4:43 PM 35226 129-2024 - Approval to Purchase Four 2025 Kendworth Dump Trucks from MHC, Dallas.pdf
6/13/2024 4:44 PM 36608 130-2024 - Approval to Purchase One 2024 Caterpillar Pneumatic Roller From Warren Cat.pdf
6/13/2024 4:45 PM 41635 131-2024 - Awarding Bid to Bontke Brothers Construction for Construction of Various Roadways.pdf
6/13/2024 4:47 PM 42291 132-2024 - Authorizing an Agreement with Freese and Nichols for the Stormwater Utility Rate Study.pdf
6/13/2024 4:48 PM 43388 133-2024 - Authorizing a Contract with Teinert Construction for the Reconstruction of GV Daniels and Cesar Chavez Rec Centers.pdf
6/13/2024 4:49 PM 41055 134-2024 - Authorizing a Contract with Bontke Brothers Construction for the Nelson Wilson Park Enhancements Project.pdf
6/14/2024 8:09 AM 42186 135-2024 - Authorizing a Contract with Teinert Construction for Camp Barkeley Dog Park Relocation.pdf
6/14/2024 8:10 AM 44423 136-2024 - Authorizing a Contract with Sedalco Construction Services for the CMAR Zoo Africa Series Project.pdf
6/14/2024 8:11 AM 31947 137-2024 - Approval to Purchase Ten Half-Ton Pickups From Sames Bastrop CDJR, Laredo TX.pdf
6/14/2024 8:12 AM 47026 138-2024 - Authorizing a Professional Services Contract with EHT for the Hamby WRF Sludge Pond Rehabilitation.pdf
6/14/2024 8:29 AM 411951 139-2024 - Approving a Chapter 380 Agreement with Chowning Realty - 5290 Questa Drive.pdf
6/14/2024 8:30 AM 442809 140-2024 - Approving a Chapter 380 Agreement with Prettiest Town Properties - 1310 Locust St.pdf
6/14/2024 8:31 AM 35194 141-2024 - Approving an Agreement with Uber Displays LLC for the Replacement of the Existing Marquee at the Convention Center.pdf
6/14/2024 8:33 AM 295833 142-2024 - Adopting a New Tax Abatement Policy.pdf
6/14/2024 12:53 PM 69293 143-2024 - Approving Amended and Restated Tax Abatement Agreements with Lancium.pdf
6/27/2024 1:01 PM 44346 144-2024 - Appointing Members to Various Boards and Commissions.pdf
6/27/2024 1:02 PM 41824 145-2024 - Authorizing a professional Services Agreement with Jacob & Martin for the Zoo Parking Lot.pdf
6/27/2024 1:03 PM 81027 146-2024 - Requested Increase to AEP's Distribution Rates & Charges to be Denied.pdf
6/27/2024 1:05 PM 47292 147-2024 - Authorizing an Agreement with Schneider Electric Buildings America Inc for Phase 5 Improvements.pdf
6/27/2024 1:05 PM 47724 148-2024 - Authorizing an Agreement with Schneider Electric Buildings Amercia Inc for Phase 6 Improvements.pdf
6/27/2024 1:07 PM 363168 149-2024 - Approving the Amended and Restated Bylaws of Keep Abilene Beautiful Inc.pdf
6/27/2024 1:08 PM 43407 150-2024 - Approving the Purchase of a Bar Screen Compactor Unit from Vision Equipment for the Buck Creek Pump Station.pdf
6/27/2024 1:13 PM 2172043 151-2024 - Approving Ch. 380 Agreement with Thornton Homes - 2702 N Willis, 2702,2710, and 2718 Westview Dr, 2809 S 11 and 3402 Vogel.pdf
6/27/2024 1:13 PM 71175 152-2024 - Authorizing a Single Family Rehabilitation-Reconstruction Project with FY23-24 Home Funds.pdf
6/27/2024 1:15 PM 1228070 153-2024 - Approving an Order of the Abilene-Taylor County Events Venue District Authorizing the Issuance of the Districts Venue Tax Revenue Bond.pdf
7/11/2024 10:37 AM 35894 154-2024 - Approval to Purchase Two Chevrolet Silverados From Sewell Chevroletof Odessa Texas.pdf
7/11/2024 10:38 AM 41236 155-2024 - Authorizing a Car Rental Service Facility Site B Lease Amendment 1 with Brevard Captial Group, Inc.pdf
7/11/2024 10:39 AM 72073 156-2024 - Authorizing an Agreement with TXDOT to Improve the Intersection Along S 14th from Sayles to Treadaway.pdf
7/11/2024 10:41 AM 51474 157-2024 - Authorizing a Broker Listing Agreement with Berkshire Hathaway Homeservices, Stovall Realtors & to Sell 453 S 27th.pdf
7/11/2024 10:43 AM 64683 158-2024 - Approving a Special Request for public improvment Funds from the TIRZ No. 2 for Community Foundation of Abilene.pdf
7/11/2024 10:46 AM 815700 159-2024 - Approving Ch. 380 Agreement with Thornton Homes - 5557 N. 10, 5549 N 10, and 5541 N 10th.pdf
7/16/2024 2:28 PM 374725 160-2024 - Approving a Ch. 380 Agreement with Habitat for Humanity - 442 Portland Avenue.pdf
7/11/2024 10:46 AM 70933 161-2024 - Authorizing a Single Family Rehabilitation Project with FY 23-24 Homes Funds.pdf
7/25/2024 1:04 PM 38854 162-2024 - Authorizing a Contract with Masterscapes for the Landsccape & Irrigation Plan for All Kind Services.pdf
7/25/2024 1:05 PM 35511 163-2024 - Authorizing a Contract with Unifirst Corporation for Uniform Rentals.pdf
7/25/2024 1:07 PM 84017 164-2024 - Authorizing a MOU between Midland and San Angelo for Phase 1 of Groundwater Supply Project.pdf
7/25/2024 1:05 PM 42565 165-2024 - Apporving FAA Reimbursable Agreement Amendment for the Abilene Regional Airport.pdf
7/25/2024 1:06 PM 35737 166-2024 - Approving the Purchase of Four Utility Trucks from Arrow Ford.pdf
7/25/2024 1:08 PM 43912 167-2024 - Approving Bids for DEAAG in Support of Dyess Air Force Base.pdf
7/25/2024 1:10 PM 376083 168-2024 - Approving a Ch. 380 Agreement with Thornton Homes - 2449 Shelton St.pdf
7/30/2024 12:49 PM 927561 169-2024 - Approving a Ch. 380 Agreement with HSNH LLC - 1225 Mesquite.pdf
7/25/2024 1:12 PM 45202 170-2024 - Application Requesting Financial Assistance from the Texas Water Development Board.pdf
7/25/2024 1:11 PM 40129 171-2024 - Approving the DCOA's Economic Development Plan.pdf
7/25/2024 1:13 PM 36818 172-2024 - Approving the DCOA's Fiscal Year 2025 Budget.pdf
8/8/2024 10:57 AM 46330 173-2024 - Appointing Members to Various Boards and Commissions.pdf
8/8/2024 10:58 AM 50208 174-2024 - Awarding Bid to Tanksco, Inc for Grimes WTP Improvements Contract No. 2 Clarifier & Backwash Tank Rehabilitation.pdf
8/8/2024 10:59 AM 39422 175-2024 - Approving a Purchase of One 2025 Chevrolet 2500HD Pickup From Sewell Chevrolet.pdf
8/8/2024 11:02 AM 44390 176-2024 - Approving an Agreement with Dennis A Joiner & Associates Assessment Specialist Consultants for Fire Promotion Processes.pdf
8/8/2024 10:14 AM 109937 177-2024 - NOT CONSIDERED - Authorizing a Contract with Daiken Applied America's Inc for Chiller Repairs at the Convention Center.pdf
8/8/2024 11:03 AM 38285 178-2024 - Approve & Ratify the 2024-2049 Meet & Confer Agreement with the Abilene Police Officer's Association.pdf
8/8/2024 11:05 AM 868090 179-2024 - Approving Chapter 380 Agreements with HSNH, LLC for 866 Mesquite St.pdf
8/8/2024 11:05 AM 74237 180-2024 - Approving the FY 24-25 Action Plan & Projected Use of CDBG & HOME Funds.pdf
8/22/2024 2:35 PM 39534 181-2024 - Approving a Contract with KFH Group, Incorporated to Conduct a Microtransit Evaluation.pdf
8/22/2024 10:39 AM 15647 182-2024 - FAILED -Approving a Contract with Schindler Elevator Corp. to Rebuild Airport Terminal Inside Escalators.pdf
8/22/2024 2:35 PM 39928 183-2024 - Authorizinga Contract with Forvis Mazars, LLP for Professional Auditing Services.pdf
8/22/2024 2:36 PM 38229 184-2024 - Authorizing a Contractwith MGT of America Consulting, LLC for Cost Allocation Plans.pdf
8/22/2024 2:37 PM 103312 185-2024 - Acknowledging Receipt of the Abilene-Taylor County Events Venue District's FY 24 Revised & FY25 Approved Budgets.pdf
8/22/2024 2:38 PM 470655 186-2024 - Approving a Negotiated Settlement with Atmos Energy's 2024 Rate Review Mechanism Filing.pdf
8/22/2024 2:40 PM 36487 187-2024 - Authorizing a Contract with Daiken Applied America's, Inc for Chiller Repairs at Abilene Convention Center.pdf
8/22/2024 2:41 PM 45580 188-2024 - Approving the Purchase of Reverse Osmosis Membranes from Hydranautics for Possum Kingdom Raw Water Roughing Facility.pdf
8/22/2024 2:42 PM 121861 189-2024 - Directing Publication of Notice of Intention to Issue Combination Tax & Revenue Certificates of Obligation.pdf
8/22/2024 2:43 PM 44512 190-2024 - Apporving the DCOA Incentive for Project Roadrunner.pdf
9/13/2024 8:42 AM 58133 191-2024 - Appointing Members to Various Boards and Commissions.pdf
9/13/2024 8:43 AM 50378 192-2024 - Authorizing a U.S Geological Survey for the Operation & Maintenance of Surface Water Data Collection Facilities.pdf
9/13/2024 8:44 AM 42658 193-2024- Awarding Bid to Bontke Brothers Construction for S10A Project.pdf
9/13/2024 8:45 AM 41477 194-2024 - Awarding Bid to Bontke Brothers Construction for Corsicana Ave. Rehabilitation Project.pdf
9/13/2024 8:45 AM 32658 195-2024 - Approving the Abilene Cultural Affairs Council FY 2025 Budget.pdf
9/13/2024 8:46 AM 32582 196-2024 - Approving the Abilene Convention & Visitors Bureau FY 2025 Budget.pdf
9/13/2024 8:47 AM 31256 197-2024 - Approving the Taylor County Expo Center FY 2025 Budget.pdf
9/13/2024 8:47 AM 45942 198-2024 - Approving a Purchase to Samsara Telematics Software for Hardware and Integration.pdf
9/13/2024 8:48 AM 43518 199-2024 - Authorizing a Housing and Urban Development Grant Agreement B-24-CP-TX-2052.pdf
9/13/2024 8:49 AM 39037 200-2024 - Authorizing the Airport Access Road Design & Construction Management Services Task Order One with EHT.pdf
9/13/2024 8:49 AM 46279 201-2024 - Authorizing a Rent Abatement for Brevard Capital Group.pdf
9/13/2024 8:50 AM 40204 202-2024 - Authorizing a Contract with AAR Inc for the Demo of GV Daniels & Chavez Recreation Centers & Asbestos Abatement of GV Daniels.pdf
9/13/2024 8:20 AM 17507 203-2024 - NOT CONSIDERED - Approving an agreement with CJ Fence for the Garcia Ballfield Improvement Project.pdf
9/13/2024 8:51 AM 44511 204-2024 - Approving to Acquire Wireless Communication Hardware from RCN Technologies.pdf
9/13/2024 8:52 AM 43655 205-2024 - Authorizing a Purchase Agreement with Flex Financial for the Purchase of LifePak 35 Cardiac Monitors & Lucas CPR Devices for Fire.pdf
9/13/2024 8:53 AM 148328 206-2024 - Authorizing the Use of Power of Eminent domain to Acquire a Utility Easement to Install Public Utilities.pdf
9/13/2024 8:54 AM 43955 207-2024 - Authorizing the Adoption of the Lake Fort Phantom Master Plan.pdf
9/13/2024 8:54 AM 135283 208-2024 - Establishing Gladys Abor Street as an Honorary Street Name.pdf
9/26/2024 2:06 PM 37382 211-2024 - Authorizing a Contract with Teinert Construction for the Construction of Fire Station #9.pdf
9/26/2024 2:07 PM 39174 212-2024 - Awarding Bid to J.H. Strain & Sons for the N.18th Rehabilitation Project.pdf
9/26/2024 2:09 PM 39028 213-2024 - Awarding Bid to J. H Strain & Sons for the S. 7th Reconstruction Project.pdf
9/26/2024 2:10 PM 47764 214-2024 - Approving Bids for Defense Economic Adjustment Assistance Grant in Support of Dyess AFB.pdf
9/26/2024 2:11 PM 68541 215-2024 - Awarding the Bulk Materials Supply Contracts to Various Vendors.pdf
9/26/2024 2:11 PM 40083 216-2024 - Purchase of One 2025 Freightliner 114SD Chassis Wit Galfab 60 Roll-Off Hoist Refuse Truck.pdf
9/26/2024 2:12 PM 39109 217-2024 - Authorizing the Microwave System Modernization & Ring Configuration contract with Scientel Solutions.pdf
9/26/2024 2:13 PM 36596 218-2024 - Approving an Agreement with Alliance Work Partners to Provide Employee Assistance Program Services.pdf
9/26/2024 2:14 PM 63826 219-2024 - Acquiring Professional Svs & Amendment of the Current Contract with Resource Data for Geographical Information Services.pdf
9/26/2024 2:15 PM 49508 220-2024 - Approving the Microfiltration Modules from Aria Filtra.pdf
9/26/2024 2:16 PM 73658 221-2024 - Awarding Bid to Various Vendors for the Purchase of Bulk Chemicals Used for Water & Wastewater Treatment Processes for FY 25.pdf
9/26/2024 2:17 PM 49796 222-2024 - Approving Change Order No. 1 with Dowtech Specialty Contractors for the Hamby Water Reclamation Facility Improvements Phase II Expansion.pdf
9/26/2024 2:18 PM 41062 223-2024 - Approving Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Svs contract with EHT for the Dry Polymer Feed Sodium Hydroxide Tanks & Grimes Evaulation.pdf
9/26/2024 2:19 PM 39670 224-2024 - Authorizing a Professional Svs Contract with EHT for the Pine Street Water Line Replacement.pdf
9/26/2024 2:20 PM 40412 225-2024 - Authorizing a Water Supply Agreement with Thompson Gold Group for the purchse & Use of Reclaimed Water.pdf
9/26/2024 2:21 PM 40899 226-2024 - Approving an Agreement with ClearRisk Risk Management Corp to Provide Risk Management Software Svs.pdf
9/26/2024 2:22 PM 38929 227-2024 - Approving the Award of Cyber Liability for the FY2025.pdf
9/26/2024 2:23 PM 70616 228-2024 - Revised Designating Methods, Addresses, & Locations for Receiving Public Information Requests & Providing an Effective Date.pdf
10/4/2024 1:21 PM 40024 231-2024 - Nominating a Candidate for a Position on the Taylor County Appraisal District Board of Directors.pdf
10/4/2024 1:22 PM 34797 232-2024 - Authorizing a Contract with Epic Construction for the Zoo Parking Lot & Lighting Improvements.pdf
10/4/2024 1:23 PM 302511 233-2024 - Approving Financing for the Benefit of ACU and Related Matters.pdf
10/4/2024 1:24 PM 54942 234-2024 - Professional Services 7 Amendment for Geographial Information Svs in the FY25 with Resource Data, Inc. GSA Contract.pdf
10/4/2024 1:25 PM 50265 235-2024 - Adopting a Supplement to the 2024 Water Conservation & Drought Contingency Plan.pdf
10/4/2024 1:25 PM 39339 236-2024 - Approving Change Order No. 1 for Existing Five Points Business Park Fulwiler Rd. & Marigold St. Paving Improvements.pdf
10/4/2024 1:27 PM 123402 237-2024 - Directing Publication of Notice of Intention to Issue Combination Tax & Revenue Certificates of Obligation.pdf
10/18/2024 8:09 AM 52225 238-2024 - Authorizing the Donation of Carver Park Playground with Shade Structure & Pavilion to Abilene Volunteer Services Council.pdf
10/18/2024 8:11 AM 39307 239-2024 - Authorizing a Contract with 1st Priority Environmental Services for the Polymer Floor Abatement of Cesar Chavez Recreation Center.pdf
10/18/2024 8:12 AM 51213 240-2024 - Authorizing to Increase the Customer Facility Charge for Vehicles Rented at Abilene Regional Airport.pdf
10/18/2024 8:13 AM 54232 241-2024 - Approving Change Order No. 1 to the Contract with Adventures Outback for Possum kingdom Drought Response Improvements Phase II.pdf
10/18/2024 8:15 AM 48621 242-2024 - Purchase Hardware, Software & Services to Provision Additional Mobile Dispatch Computers for the Police Department.pdf
10/18/2024 8:16 AM 46878 243-2024 - Acquire Wireless Communication Hardware & Services from RCN Technologies.pdf
10/18/2024 8:17 AM 49749 244-2024 - Approval to Purchase 21 Additional Watchguard Systems, Warranty Svs, & Storage Svs for the Police Department from Motorola Solutions.pdf
10/18/2024 8:18 AM 55363 245-2024 - Acquire the Proprietary purchase of Annual Subscription Support Svs from Opengov for Cartegraph Asset Management Software System.pdf
10/18/2024 8:20 AM 65910 246-2024 - Authorizzing an Interlocal Agreement with Taylor County and Betty Hardwick for Two Jail Navigator Positions.pdf
10/18/2024 8:21 AM 38480 247-2024 - Authorizing the Continuation of the Agreement with the Abilene Library Consortium.pdf
10/18/2024 8:21 AM 44480 248-2024 - Authorizing the Purchase of Library Materials from Midwest Tape for Hoopla.pdf
10/18/2024 8:22 AM 43936 249-2024 - Authorizing the Purhcase of Library Materials From Baker & Taylor.pdf
10/18/2024 8:23 AM 36879 250-2024 - Authorizing to Continue the Agreement Between the Abilene Public Library and Overdrive.pdf
10/18/2024 8:24 AM 731510 251-2024 - Amend Resolution 192-2023, Approving Coleman County State Bank, Increasing the Incentive Amount of the Rebuild ABI Program.pdf
11/7/2024 12:04 PM 94735 252-2024 - Appointing Members to Various Boards and Commissions.pdf
11/7/2024 12:05 PM 34610 253-2024 - Casting Our Votes for the Taylor County Appraisal District Board of Directors.pdf
11/7/2024 12:06 PM 40634 254-2024 - Accepting the Texas Department of Emergency Management Hazard Mitigation Grant for the Purchase of Facility Generators.pdf
11/7/2024 12:07 PM 37477 255-2024 - Authorizing a Professional Services Contract with Jacob & Martin for the Zoo Dam Safety Plan.pdf
11/7/2024 12:08 PM 48018 256-2024 - Approving a Contract with Abilene Environmental Landfill for Solid Waste Disposal Services.pdf
11/7/2024 12:09 PM 95150 257-2024 - AUthorizing an Economic Development Agreement with Chick-Fil-A.pdf
11/21/2024 3:06 PM 76709 258-2024 - Appointing Members to Various Boards and Commissions.pdf
11/21/2024 3:07 PM 44954 259-2024 - Authorizing a Professional Services Contract with EHT for Possum Kingdom Raw Water Roughing Facility Commissioning & Start Up.pdf
11/21/2024 3:08 PM 46642 260-2024 - Authorizing a Professional Services Contract with Jacob & Martin for the Interstate HWY 20 Utility Relocates Phase 1 Preliminary Engineering.pdf
11/21/2024 3:10 PM 37788 261-2024 - Purchase a Twenty-One L3 Harris Mobile Radios for New Patrol Vehicles Through Dailey & Wells' HGACBUY.pdf
11/21/2024 3:11 PM 41397 262-2024 - Purchase One 2024 Komatsu WA200-8 Wheel Loader from Kirby Smith Machinery.pdf
11/21/2024 3:17 PM 34416 263-2024 - Leasing Hangar 1 to Abilene Aero.pdf
11/27/2024 8:58 AM 45219 264-2024 - To Reassign the Airport Ground and Hangar Leases with Abilene Aero to Freeman holdings of West Texas.pdf
11/21/2024 3:18 PM 39271 265-2024 - Purchasing One 2024 Caterpillar 120 JY Motor Grader from Warren Cat.pdf
11/21/2024 3:19 PM 706882 266-2024 - Amend Resolution 192-2023 Approving the Big Country Builder Membership Criteria within Eligibility Requirements for the Program.pdf
11/21/2024 3:20 PM 1910772 267-2024 - Approving Ch. 380 Agreements Between Thornton Homes =- 5533, 5525, 5517, 5509, 5501, 5457, and 5549 N 10th, and 2725 Roberts St.pdf
11/21/2024 3:23 PM 2357860 268-2024 - Approving Ch. 380 Agreements Between Sanford Construction - 894, 898, 902, 906, 910, 914, 918, 922, 926, and 930 Minda St.pdf
11/21/2024 3:24 PM 2701735 269-2024 - Approving Ch. 380 Agreements with Abilene Custom Homes - 2569, 2565, 2563, 2571, 2561, 2557, 2553, and 2577 Bel Air Dr.pdf
11/21/2024 3:26 PM 669870 270-2024 - Approving Ch. 380 Agreements with Mayhem Solutions - 2741 Orange and 2733 Orange St.pdf
11/21/2024 3:31 PM 333292 271-2024 - Approving Ch. 380 Agreements with Kris Gay Homes - 1349 Peach St.pdf
11/21/2024 3:28 PM 47588 272-2024 - Approve a Charity Care Program for the Residents of Abilene-Taylor County.pdf
11/21/2024 3:28 PM 36735 273-2024 - Authorizing a Contract with Daiken Applied America's, Inc for Chiller Repairs at Abilene Convention Center.pdf
11/21/2024 3:30 PM 52092 274-2024 - Award the Air Tanker Ramp Construction Contract to Webber, LLC.pdf
11/21/2024 3:30 PM 44231 275-2024 - Authorize a Construction Phase Services Task Order with Garver for the Air Tanker Ramp Construction.pdf
12/5/2024 3:37 PM 43295 276-2024 - Authorizing an Agreement with Parkhill to Install Pedestrian Improvements Along Old Anson Rd from Ambler Ave. to Old Anson Rd.pdf
12/5/2024 3:38 PM 47279 277-2024 - Approving the Contract with Newman Regency Group for the Replacement of Chlorine Scrubber Media at the Grimes Water Treatment Plant.pdf
12/5/2024 3:40 PM 817742 278-2024 - Approving Ch. 380 Agreement with Pierson Properties - 5233 Questa Dr. 533 & 5334 Laguna Dr.pdf
12/5/2024 3:42 PM 562656 279-2024 - Approving Ch. 380 Agreement with Chowning Realty - 5242 N 9th and 550 Sammons.pdf
12/5/2024 3:44 PM 315107 280-2024 - Approving Ch. 380 Agreement with Mortar Properties - 2318 S 7th.pdf
12/5/2024 2:55 PM 669605 281-2024 - NOT CONSIDERED - Adopt the Title VI Plan & Community Participation Plan for Abilene Regional Airport.pdf
12/5/2024 3:45 PM 57090 282-2024 - Acquire the Implementation & Annual Subscription Support Svs From Satrde for the Zendesk Svs System.pdf
12/5/2024 3:46 PM 184841 283-2024 - Authorizing the Use of Power of Eminent Domain to Acquire and Easement for Drainage at 3472 Santa Monica Dr.pdf
12/5/2024 3:48 PM 45153 284-2024 - Appointing Members to Various Boards and Commissions.pdf
12/19/2024 4:21 PM 44922 285-2024 - Awarding Bid to Bontke Brothers Construction for Glen Abbey Storm Pipe Repair Project.pdf
12/19/2024 4:22 PM 31407 286-2024 - Approval to Purchase Material from Strong Ready Mix.pdf
12/19/2024 4:23 PM 41434 287-2024 - Approving an Agreement with Voya Financial Part of Reliastart Insurance for Stop Loss Insurance for Gene Therapy Solutions.pdf
12/19/2024 4:24 PM 39506 288-2024 - Approving a Professional Services Agreement with La Terra Studios for the Development of a Pedestrian Plaza.pdf
12/19/2024 4:24 PM 35590 289-2024 - Authorizing a Memorandum of Understanding with Abilene Cultural Affairs Council for the Storybook Garden 2 Construction.pdf
12/19/2024 4:26 PM 31955 290-2024 - Approving Acceptance of the Donated Sculptures for Placement in Storybook Garden 2 on the Lawn of the Convention Center.pdf
12/19/2024 4:27 PM 40187 291-2024 - Approving the Guaranteed Maximum Price for the Construction of Cesar Chavez & G.V Daniels Recreation Centers Agreement with Teinert Construction.pdf
12/19/2024 3:52 PM 15623 292-2024 - TABLED - Approving the Special Event Permit Policy.pdf
12/20/2024 10:49 AM 317926 293-2024 - Approving Ch. 380 Agreement with Doby Investments - 1233 Marshall.pdf
12/19/2024 4:28 PM 50207 294-2024 - Authorizing a Professional Services Contract with Jacob & Martin for the 30-Inch Raw Water Transmission Line Replacement.pdf
12/19/2024 4:29 PM 42645 295-2024 - Approving the Services Contract with Daupler Inc for the Incident Response Management System for the Water Utilities Department.pdf
12/19/2024 4:30 PM 52677 296-2024 - Authorizing Application for Financial Assistance from the Texas Water Development Board.pdf
12/19/2024 4:31 PM 47424 297-2024 - Appointing Members to Various Board and Commissions.pdf
12/19/2024 4:32 PM 44550 298-2024 - Approving the Development Corporation of Abilene's Incentive Project Bay.pdf
12/20/2024 10:50 AM 125734 Resolution List 2024.xlsx